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Decorative Coatings

Choose aluminum, brass, copper chromium or stainless steel, as well as other metals
The Press-Side® Rapid Cycle Metalizers provide world-class PVD finishing to ensure high-quality coating adhesion for great performance over the lifetime of products such as:
Automotive second surface applications
Automotive trim pieces
Consumer products
Household hardware
Casket trim pieces
The Press-Side Rapid Cycle Metalizers allow you to match your reflectivity and color needs with just the right coating. Choose from aluminum, brass, copper chromium, and stainless steel.
With three deposition processes (sputtering, filament evaporation and cathodic arc deposition), the Press-Side Rapid Cycle Metalizer makes it possible to provide coatings tailored to your specifications for color, thickness, and complexity of application area. Also, when necessary, you may choose from UV and thermal curing of base coats or top coats to improve upon your parts appearance and life.
Fixtures Available
Our experienced engineers and technicians provide fixtures that achieve uniform coatings even on complex edges and recesses. This razor sharp definition on reflectors is a Press-Side hallmark.
Environmentally Friendly
The vacuum deposition technology used with the Press-Side Rapid Cycle Metalizers is inherently better for the environment than other coating techniques that produce VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Also, PVD processes do not present chemical run-off and hazardous waste clean-up problems.